Jun. I've never really thought about the guy in terms of looks because ... well I've never liked his hair (which is big factor in looks for me) and if we think about him in terms of body? His broad shoulders always made his waist look SO MUCH more effeminate than it really should (also due to how skinny he was to).
But lately he'd been beefing up (especially in the arms department). And then after he cut his hair he's just become amazingly hot to me (and I mean like amazingly hot). And now, with the news that he is going to be a boxer in a stageplay? Boxers need to have muscles. Lots of it. They need to have abs. And if there is ONE thing I LOVE about guys... it's that they must have abs. Really nice looking abs. To be honest i much preferred tone/leaned muscle (as in NOT Yamapi bulging muscles) but ... kind of what Jun has now? (As in you can see the muscle but it's not that defined). But yeah - one thing guys need are very, VERY, well defined abs. I love guys with abs. (probably cause I have a 4-pack myself and I used to have a 6-pack when I was even younger ^^;;).
So yeah. Pretty much. Jun looks freakin' hot with his short hair - I sincerely hope he KEEPS it this short for the remainder of the stageplay and the rest of his life (because seriously, short hair suits him so well), and if you add in ripped abs along with that? Like holy crap - I NEED to see this guy shirtless sometime soon just to confirm whether he will have abs or not (that's all I care about). You know, my mind is already going haywire just imagining. *_*... hopefully the promos will show him shirtless a lot? Heck even during the upcoming concert? He'll rip his shirt off? Please?
.... yeah - sorry... everyone can go back to whatever they were doing before and ignore the crazy fangirl in me right now rejoicing at how this is the BEST year for me as a JUN-fangirl.