I really wonder what it is about Korean Entertainment that is making (apparently) the Western world so caught up in it. And I specifically mention Korean because really, Japanese Entertainment, outside of anime/manga, has never gotten this much attention.
I'm curious. Why? Because.. well.. too put it bluntly? I don't like Korean entertainment. Not as in "OMG I HATE KPOP IT"S STUPID", that is not true - I have nothing against it, it's just not my taste. (and hey, if Big Bang was paired with Arash i'd be so excited :D:D)
Maybe it's cause Koreans are actively reaching out? But... somehow I feel like even if Johnny's tried the same thing, I honestly feel they wouldn't get as much attention.... or maybe it's just me? I'm just curious. What is it that Westerners see in Korean entertainment. Is it the music, the looks, the dramas, just... what that separates them and makes them shine so much.